by Mike Stepner
A wide swath of community stakeholders has collaborated to produce an important new report that offers a strong vision of the future for Balboa Park, downtown and the nearby school campuses. The vision of this report is supported by specific ideas, projects, initiatives – about 60 of them – that could, if accomplished, transform the park and environs into an even greater regional asset, generating immeasurable benefits in culture, liveability and civic pride.
The report of the Balboa Park-San Diego High School Connections Working Group is headed to the Balboa Park Committee and then the City Council. The working group will ask the council to accept the report formally and to direct city staff to incorporate the working group’s suggestions and recommendations as appropriate into the Balboa Park Prioritization Framework, the Framework for the Future, the Balboa Park Master Plan update and other relevant initiatives.
The working group recommends that the city’s Balboa Park Committee be named as the entity to oversee the report’s recommendations.
Readers of this report will note familiar themes of park stewardship and the need to expand the region’s awareness, appreciation, and support of community assets such as parks and schools. What’s new is the interdisciplinary nature of these recommendations -- their frank demands that we break out of silo thinking and look around at the community effects of specific projects on the drawing board.
The full report is available on C100’s website,
